Status Report: Donn’s Hill

So I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this yet, but did you know that my debut novel is getting published? Oh, you did hear that? Maybe because I talk about it constantly and am driving my friends and family insane?

Get ready for more Donn’s Hill talky-talk, kids. Because I’m chock full o’ updates and you’re about to get the blog version of the freak out that’s been happening inside my mind lately.

Editing: Round 1 Complete!

If you didn’t see me or hear from me much this month, it’s because I sequestered myself in my basement with several cases of diet caffeine-free Pepsi, a stack of Cadbury Fruit & Nut bars (don’t even both trying to make me see the futility in that–I won’t do it), and a standing order that at least one cat had to be within a five foot radius of me at all times. I had a mission to complete: take the feedback from my wonderful editor at Immortal Works and make Donn’s Hill even better than it was before.

If I do say so myself… mission a-freaking-complished. It took three and a half solid weeks of editing and re-writing every single night after work. I finished this past Saturday, after which I embarked on an epic gaming marathon and refused to get out of bed before 9 AM for a couple of days.

I made lots of changes to the book, both big and small, but I’m even more proud of this new draft than I was of the last one. And that says a lot. I’m even more excited now to share this story with all of you! Speaking of which….

Release Date: Forthcoming!

So… I know something you don’t know! And I’m dying to tell you, but I can’t yet!  

For now, all I can tell you is that you won’t have to wait too much longer to find out when Donn’s Hill will hit the shelves. If you haven’t already, be sure to like my Facebook page because I’ll be announcing it there first via Facebook Live very soon!

And while we’re talking about things that I can’t really fully talk about yet….

Book Cover: Done!

And it’s amazing. I cried when I saw it. (You’re not surprised, nor should you be. After all, I cry at Master Chef Junior and holiday-themed commercials.) I can’t wait to show it to you all! We’ll be having an official cover reveal soon, so stay tuned for that!

In summary, things are rolling right along, and it’s all actually going faster than I expected. Thanks for following me on this journey! More news coming soon!

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