Umm…how is it the end of August already? In a meeting this morning we were talking about our task list, and when someone mentioned that it’ll be September on Thursday, I did a spit-take with my chai. This summer has flown by faster than I can tear through a bag of salt & vinegar potato chips, so let me catch you up on my life with another “Currently” post!
Fall is coming! Last week I was able to shut off the air conditioning for a whole day and write with my windows thrown open, and yesterday on a hike my friend pointed out that some of the leaves are already changing. Fall is my favorite season, because the temperature here in Utah becomes perfect for a light sweater, pumpkin-flavored beer is everywhere, and Halloween is just around the corner.
Because a book I read recently reminded me The Glass Lake by Maeve Binchy, I couldn’t help picking that old favorite up again and diving back into it. I love re-reading old familiar books; it’s like sitting around with the friends I’ve had for 20+ years and re-telling old stories.
Kelly and I are catching up on the last season of The Goldbergs, which I adore because I am one nostalgic mother%$#@&. It’s pretty lighthearted comedy with some classic family sitcom “awww” moments, and if you were born anytime between 1970-1985 you’ll probably love the crap out of it too.

After watching Turbo Kid and then more recently Stranger Things, I’m now addicted to synthwave. We covered my nostalgia addiction up above, and music with a lot of good, moody synths just feels so delightfully retro to me. If you want to hear what I’m hearing, check out this YouTube playlist.
The seasons are about to change, and that’s great for me because I’m tired of the hot weather. But for a lot of people, the coming fall is just a precursor to a cold winter without enough shelter for themselves or their families. We have an amazing local charity called The Road Home that helps many individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness. If you’re reading this, you should check out their website and consider making a donation.
I’m anticipating finishing the first draft of my second novel. Then comes editing, and then I’ll get to send it out to my beta readers to get their feedback. I’m really excited to sent this one out, because it’s been a long and crazy journey to write it. For a couple of months, I felt like the story was pulling in multiple different directions. I ended up following a few of those threads to strange places, and they became book and story ideas all their own. Somehow that process cleansed me of my indecisions, and I’ve been able to come back to that core story and do some really satisfying things with it. So stay tuned for more on that front.
My wish has remained pretty much constant for the last year: I want to find the right home for publishing my mystery novel, Donn’s Hill. I especially hope I can find the right publisher for Donn’s Hill before I start that process for my 2nd novel. I’ll keep searching, querying, and trying…and of course I’ll keep you all updated no matter what!
Call me cheesy, but that’d be my husband. He’s been spoiling me lately by bringing home bagels with cream cheese, tomatoes, and smoked salmon and O.M.G. So delicious. The combination of his company and a toasted, fatty bagel is just unstoppable.

That’s it for this month’s “Currently!” Remember, if you do one of these please tag or message me @carynlarrinaga. I’d love to read what you’re Currently up to!