Donn’s Hill has won the Silver Quill!

Last night was the awards banquet for the League of Utah Writers Fall Conference. Every year, they give out awards and cash prizes for the best in the state’s poetry, short fiction, and first chapter of unpublished novels. They also have a category for published book awards, and I entered Donn’s Hill because… well, because I am damn proud of that book.

And last night, it won.

I just have to repeat that because I still can’t believe it: Donn’s Hill won the Silver Quill (think “silver medal”) in the adult book category of the League of Utah Writers published book contest!

This is one of those mornings where I can’t believe this is my life. I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and was able to tell my reflection, “You are an award-winning novelist.”

It still doesn’t feel real, and I’m guessing it won’t for quite some time. But in the meanwhile, I’ll enjoy the feeling.

Quick obligatory plug for a couple of things here:

If you haven’t yet read Donn’s Hill and would like to now that you know a panel of distinguished judges has deemed it very much worth reading, you can find it at locally at Weller Book Works and online at Amazon and You can also order a signed copy directly from me and I’ll ship it anywhere in the USA.

If you’re a writer in Utah, not matter your level of experience, I can’t recommend the League of Utah Writers enough. The leadership there is fantastic, and they are committed to encouraging writers and poets throughout Utah to improve and succeed. There are 26 chapters to choose from, including a completely online one, so you can meet and connect with and learn from other writers in the area (I love it so much that I’m now a member of two chapters – I just can’t get enough of these people). And the conferences are simply amazing, with fantastic workshops and panels on everything from how to plot your very first story, to how to land an agent or market your own work, to why diversity makes writing more real.

That’s it – I’m going to go eat some chocolate chip waffles now and freak out a little bit. Thank you everyone who reads my stuff and has supported me on this journey!

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