DONN’S LEGACY has won the Cat Writers Association Muse Medallion!

As I mentioned in my blog post a couple of months ago, Donn’s Legacy was awarded the Cat Writers Association Certificate of Excellence. I found out today that it won the top honor in its category: the Muse Medallion!!!

I honestly don’t quite know what to say. I’ve wanted to be a “cat writer” since I saw a copy of a book called The Cat Who Went Into the Closet by Lillian Jackson Braun at my elementary school’s Scholastic Book Fair. I bought it because it had “cat” in the title and paw prints across the cover. I hadn’t read any murder mysteries before that, but it only took one to get me hooked, and the entire series now takes up an entire shelf in my small home library.

If I went back in time and told the Caryn who was first diving headfirst into this genre that her own cozy mystery books featuring an unusually smart cat would eventually win an award like this (let alone exist!), she wouldn’t believe me. I hardly believe it now. Somehow, it’s true, and I’m so incredibly honored!

Edited in December to add the photo of my Muse Medallion, which finally arrived!!

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