Announcing “Galtzagorriak and Other Creatures” – coming 7/18/17!

There’s a presentation I’ve given on building your brand as an author, and one of the things I talk about is that if you have a blog, it’s important to set some kind of regular schedule and stick to it.

Last time I gave that presentation, I was silently begging the class not to pull up my website and see that I was massively failing at following my own advice. The last time I blogged was in March. March.

I think I have a pretty good excuse for my slacking, though, and hopefully it’s the kind of excuse my readers will accept: I’ve been hard at work on my next two releases! One of them is my second novel and I’ll be revealing more details about that soon (but I will tell you to save the date for September 12, 2017, which is when it will be out).

As for the other projects… drumroll please…

I am thrilled to announce that I’ll be releasing a brand-new collection of short stories based on Basque folklore on July 18, 2017. Galtzagorriak and Other Creatures features five tales inspired by legends from the Basque Country, and five full-color illustrations by artist Carina Barajas.

“From creation stories and explanations of natural phenomena to fables and cautionary tales, ancient Basque mythology has endured for centuries thanks to a strong oral tradition and, quite simply, love of a good story. In this unique collection, Basque-American author Caryn Larrinaga explores and expands upon the rich, traditional folklore from her family’s homeland.

Dive into stories about love, loss, greed, and revenge. Meet creatures like the mischievous Galtzagorriak, the beautiful Lamiak, and the deadly Erensuge.

The captivating tales in Galtzagorriak and Other Creatures are accompanied by breathtaking illustrations by artist Carina Barajas and are sure to delight the whole family. Whether you’re already familiar with the Basque Country or this is your first introduction, you don’t want to miss this collection.”

Here’s a little preview from the title story:

Stay tuned for links to pre-order your copy! In the meantime, ARC signups are now open. You can get a free copy of the ebook in exchange for posting an honest review of the book on the release date. To sign up for an ARC, fill out this form:

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