Honored to be “Kwazi’s Cat Person of the Month”

I’m so honored to be featured on MewlaYoung.com as Kwazi’s Cat Person of the Month!

MewlaYoung.com is dedicated to supporting the welfare of cats. Their website provides information and entertainment for cat lovers, and will help you learn about and connect with amazing cat people from around the world.

As they put it, their Kwazi’s Cat Person of the Month features “fascinating people whose work promotes the wellbeing and beauty of cats.” 😸🥰🥰

Click here to read my interview with Mewla Young, who asked the loveliest questions about the cats in my life & in my writing.

1 thought on “Honored to be “Kwazi’s Cat Person of the Month””

  1. Hi Caryn,
    Was honored to have you as my website’s first ‘Cat Person of the Month.”
    Keep writing those great books!

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