I’m officially a best-selling author!!!!

You have no idea how much restraint it took to only use four exclamation points! I don’t even know what to write! I am officially a best-selling author in two countries and in two categories — in both Canada and Australia, Donn’s Hill topped the charts in both Psychic Mysteries and Cozy Animal Mysteries!

I feel like that’s the perfect intersection for Donn’s Hill, with a layer of horror smoothed over the top like rich chocolate frosting. (That’s it, I’m getting a cookie after I’m done with this.) It makes me so excited to know that so many readers who like those specific sub-genres have found this series, because I feel very optimistic that they’ll like the book and won’t regret picking it up.

As you may know, Donn’s Hill came out a solid five years ago. It has sold well steadily since I re-published it on my own in 2019, but what pushed it over the top (the literal top, you guys!) this week was a BookBub Featured Deal.

BookBubs are super, super competitive. I’ve been trying to get one for Donn’s Hill for years, and earlier this year, I started to suspect that one of the key reasons I kept getting rejected is because my books were Amazon exclusives. I think BookBub prefers to showcase great books that are available to readers across every device and retailer, so I took a chance and took my books “wide.” The entire series is now available everywhere, from Nook to Kobo to Google Play and basically everything in between.

It could be a coincidence that this time, I was accepted, but I still suspect it had to do with taking my books out of Amazon’s exclusive Kindle Unlimited program and selling them everywhere. For the curious authors out there who might be reading this, the majority of my sales (about 70%) still come from Amazon, but it’s been really neat seeing new readers come in from the other retailers as well.

The BookBub Featured Deal was for international promotion only, so it didn’t go out to their subscribers in the USA. But I’m extra excited that all of these new readers are outside my own country! Now I get to add the phrase “international best-seller” to a lot of places. I can barely believe it!

If you haven’t read Donn’s Hill yet…. join the party. ๐Ÿ™‚

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