Interview on the Plain Donuts Podcast

Being a published novelist has, so far, been a whirlwind. So much promotion and marketing! So many interviews! So many new people to meet and talk to!

Earlier this week, all this promotion/interviewing got to be combined with catching up with an old friend (an excellent combination). My pal Steve from high school and his friend Alicia co-host the Plain Donuts podcast, a weekly broadcast of mostly humor, occasional controversy, and conversational interviews in a style similar to The Nerdist. I like to listen to them when I’m doing something unpleasant like the dishes or visiting the dentist, because it feels like sitting around a kitchen table with a pair of interesting and funny people, having a casual conversation about what’s happened recently in the world and in their lives.

Anyway, check out my interview below – we covered all kinds of topics from my writing process to landing a publisher, my favorite kinds of baked goods, and so much more. Be sure to subscribe to their podcast and/or rate them on iTunes if you like their style – it would help them out immensely!

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