What’s better than one book?

As promised, here’s that information on the special, enormous giveaway I’m running for the launch of my newest book!

Mouse Trap, my novella about a sinister supernatural creature haunting an old Victorian home in Astoria, Oregon, is coming out on January 3. It’s just in time to start the new year off right.

And to help you start off your year even better, I’m giving away a $50 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner! 

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Pre-order Mouse Trap before release day OR purchase it from Amazon on release day
  2. Send a copy of your order receipt to caryn @ carynlarrinaga .com (be sure to remove the spaces – I had to put them in to thwart bots)
  3. That’s it! 

As a bonus, every person who sends me their order confirmation will get a FREE ebook copy of my collection of short and strange stories. Here’s what reviewers are saying about Dread Softly:

“Spooky and slim and easily done in one late night sitting, which is really the best time for this sort of thing… if you dare.” – NetGalley Review

“These 11 tales are delightfully dark and full of unnerving surprises.” – Goodreads Review

“Every story in this collection is a winner.” – Goodreads Review

Remember, everyone who sends me their order confirmation after pre-ordering Mouse Trap gets entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card AND gets a free copy of Dread Softly. Don’t miss out. 🙂

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